Recaptured of tagged shrimp from Kuwait in Bushehr waters During opening season of shrimp in September 2012 one tagged green tiger prawn Penaeus semisulcatus was recaptured by a fisherman in Bushehr waters Persian Gulf The information of this prawn was as follow 1392/2/3 (619) (0) Recaptured of tagged shrimp from Kuwait in Bushehr waters Tag No: 96698682-00965KISR 1627Sexuality: femaleTotal length: 14cmCarapace length: 45mmRecaptured date: 28 September 2012Catch position: 27 40N 51 38EInformation on the tag shows, this prawn has been tagged by Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR). There is no evidence that shows moving of green tiger prawn from Arabian side of the Persian Gulf to the Iranian waters. But recaptured of this tagged prawn indicate that, Penaeus semisulcatus can move between two areas. Reported by:Nassir Niamaimandi, Ph.D.Iran Shrimp Research CenterP.O.Box: